On May 16, 2022 I was on The Talk of CT, Mornings with Gary Byron for the entire 9:00 hour to talk about post Convention issues.
I had a conversation with Tom Shattuck on August 9 about theRepublican Primary selections and candidate analysis
Audio from The Lee Elci Show-94.9 News Now WJJF. I spoke to Lee with guest David Holman from Guilford about the "takeover" of the school curriculum by the Left to indoctrinate our youth with Critical Race Theory.
Rush Limbaugh's last broadcast February 2, 2021 engenders those who have passion to face a challenge and to rise to the occasion. This four minute segment is a message to critical thinking, conservative political activists with the right skill set and rational objectives to seek office despite the party's outdated strategy. This is particularly true in CT where Republicans have lost majority administrative control for four decades.
I'm with Diane Mulholland, co-owner of the Manhattan Restaurant, Southington, CT where the WDRC Listeners' Luncheon was held on July 8, 2022. Gary Byron, Host of Talk of CT 6-10 am Monday-Friday was the moderator for the get together of 115 guests. Guest speakers were Bob Stefanowski and Mary Fay.
I presented monogrammed golf shirts to Ryan Roberts (center), Talk of CT producer extraordinaire (center) and Gary Byron (right), Ryan's shirt identified him at the “2022 Radio Personality of the Year” and Gary's shirt recognized him at “The Republican Voice of Reason”.